Tuesday 6 September 2011

Boring Labour Weekend

So the summer is over, big deal I live in Africa where it is always summer. All day everyday. Nobody cares weather is a bitch anyway with hurricanes and earthquakes throughout the world you wonder if this madness is worth it?So summer you go and come back again next year biatch!
I have been gone for a while. Yeah the weekend is what is up and I have been listening to some fresh tunes from Example and some classics from DJ Premier but otherwise the weekend was very boring.
Yes boring, due to the fact there is nothing to drink, absolutely nothing. There is no juice, no drink, no soda and no coke. Only beer which I hate with every nerve in my body. It is bitter and worthless.I shit on beer. Yeah that is how much I hate it.
Went to church for the first time in 3-4 months and it was so boring I left after second collection like I always do.I hate multiple collections I just do.Unnecessary and a waste of time.
Monday nothing much. Craving for sugar and watching Ghana lose to Brazil otherwise pretty normal.I wonder what some of you did?I know you will not tell me you will just brag about it and the other things I really see as crap in your life anyway.Later

Friday 2 September 2011


The theme is Mystline. Mystline is actually a song from the anime series Samurai Champloo. It is a beautiful song with a piano session that just takes you on a journey that is so beautiful. It is one of the most beautiful tracks Nujabes(a.k.a. Jun Seba) ever made.
But I am not here to discuss the track, I am more interested in the word "Mystline", what does it actually mean? Funny thing it was no meaning, it is not even a real word. It is something that Nujabes just invented. Sometimes I just sit there and soak in the tune of the piano as I think what it means. Most often I get nothing, nothing at all. It puzzles me that this happens. I mean why should it happen. Every song title must have a meaning?Then it hit me, maybe that is the point. Maybe the name Mystline is a mystery in itself. Maybe it should remain a mystery so that every time you here the song you reflect on the various things in your life that you could not answer and left to God to sort it out. Maybe there were many events that led you a conclusion that still confuses you. "Mystline" is what it is.
So if anything happen either bad or good remember it was all in the Mystline.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Cybermeeting, Cyberenterntainment, Cyberfilling

The Grid a digital frontier or the Matrix a strange digital world. These two digital worlds are the two most popular virtual reality worlds known to the average cyberpunk people. To the hardcore fan of cyberpunk fan the are many more, but I do not have the time or energy to go into the details of these worlds. Not at least for today maybe some other time.
I wanted to tell you there are various ways you can just slack off in cyberspace and boy oh boy are the possibilities endless. We have various online games all over cyberspace from mmorpg(Massive Multi-Online Role Playing Game) to casual games on facebook. Also the cyberspace is filled with streamline media in both audio and video format. Some of which is suitable for all while others are not.
There is also the vast variety of social media that has taken over the net, since everyone is engaged in them. Cyberspace is filled with these sites. The likes of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Tumlbar etc. They are all but there eating our time some time just consuming us into laziness and redundancy.We spend hours just on them everyday, texting, tweeting or facebooking our friends from all over the world, in our living rooms, bathrooms or even on the public transport. Literally, we are slowly being absorbed into this a new digital world.
All this is happening with games, movies and audio. There are other activities which still have not been incorporated into cyberspace or has it? Activities like sex, death, resurrection, and the commune with spirits in an unseen world. Could we achieve these things? We will have to wait and see.
One thing is certain however, if it is within our reach then lets cross it let our mind explore areas that are only alive in our mind. I would love to see a digital world like the Grid in Tron movies or the Matrix worlds. They are possibilities that man can explore and should. All in the name of "Relaxing, Surfing and floating in Cyberspace just to chill mate". Peace

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Not Motivated, Maybe Just Lazy Who Knows

Oh man I really enjoy nothing just sitting here writing about everything that pops up in my mind. Maybe it is just for attention, who knows, who cares. One thing is certain if I do not write my mind will be riddled with stories, thoughts, ideas, dreams, monologue.... practically I would go crazy. I am bored really bored and I have been slacking off. I used to love having a conversation about anything with anybody. I miss arguing about almost everything but it is difficult these days, or maybe I do not want to interact with people any more. It must be me.
Yesterday was normal, registered for G.R.E., slept, browsed, slept, browsed some more and slept again. Pure slacking. I was much better when I decided to clean my room for the first time in ages. I must really be unmotivated and lazy, but I have a lot of fun anyway, or used to since I can't play my games. The need to exercise my mind, body and spirit must be incorporated into me again. I can't remember the last time I went to church. It was a long, long, long long long time ago, really. I really need to build my spirit again. Otherwise the demons and dark angels will continue to hoover over me.
Started to write some stories but never got the chance to resume them. Man I am lazy. There are about five or six projects that I have started and just left hanging. I need to go back to them. If I don't I will be monologue with myself over and over again.There are a lot of things I wish to do but don't. Jesus I slack off too much, I am a bonafide slacker.
Got my old laptop fixed. The screen was having a lot of problem, but when fixed the memory has reduced and sound is gone, man I a brother cannot catch a break these days. I really need a time table. That sounds so childish but maybe it will make me more productive. I wonder.
I am tired and bored so I am going to round off this blog and listen to some Bonobo, Bjork, or maybe Imogen Heap, how knows, the world is full of opportunities waiting to be explored.