Friday 2 September 2011


The theme is Mystline. Mystline is actually a song from the anime series Samurai Champloo. It is a beautiful song with a piano session that just takes you on a journey that is so beautiful. It is one of the most beautiful tracks Nujabes(a.k.a. Jun Seba) ever made.
But I am not here to discuss the track, I am more interested in the word "Mystline", what does it actually mean? Funny thing it was no meaning, it is not even a real word. It is something that Nujabes just invented. Sometimes I just sit there and soak in the tune of the piano as I think what it means. Most often I get nothing, nothing at all. It puzzles me that this happens. I mean why should it happen. Every song title must have a meaning?Then it hit me, maybe that is the point. Maybe the name Mystline is a mystery in itself. Maybe it should remain a mystery so that every time you here the song you reflect on the various things in your life that you could not answer and left to God to sort it out. Maybe there were many events that led you a conclusion that still confuses you. "Mystline" is what it is.
So if anything happen either bad or good remember it was all in the Mystline.


  1. Nicely said <3

    The word "Mystline" reminds me of the initial blurry vision we get before we are about to cry.

  2. May I can say that's a ''eternal réflection'' ;)
